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    Sunday, September 2, 2012

    Firefox 15 (Pre Release) 2012

    Firefox 15 brings some significant new features and improvements. You can checkout the official Release Notes

    • Invisible, Silent Updates.
    • Built-in PDF reader.
    • Reduced memory usage of Add-ons.
    • WebGL enhancements, including compressed textures for better performance.
    • Improved multimedia and 3D graphic display for web applications.
    • Seamless HTML 5 support.
    • JavaScript debugger integrated into developer tools.
    • New layout view added to Inspector.
    • New responsive design tool allows web developers to switch between desktop and mobile views of sites.
    • Support for SPDY networking protocol v3.
    Mozilla developers have
    created a demo shooter game, named BananaBread, that puts the new features Firefox. It’s been built from pure open web code. Take a look at Bananabread FPS demo.

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