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    Thursday, August 25, 2016

    Firefox Cannot Upload Videos in YouTube Directly FIX

    YouTube Direct Cannot Upload Videos in Firefox
    YouTube Direct is a free open-source project launched by Google 2009. YouTube Direct uses Google´s hosting infrastructure and requires an App Engine account for access. The App Engine account allows the user to build and host Google applications. YouTube Direct allows users to upload videos to YouTube and photos to Google´s photo-sharing application, Picasa. YouTube Direct users may, however, experience uploading issues when using the Firefox browser.

    YouTube Direct Features
    YouTube Direct features an embeddable uploader and a moderation console. The uploader is a widget that, when embedded in a website, solicits user-generated videos from visitors to the site. The moderation console allows the website´s owner or moderator to review the videos before publishing the videos on the site. Additionally, YouTube Direct supports the creation of video assignments and customization of the uploader.
    Firefox 3 Issues
    Firefox users sometimes encounter problems playing and uploading YouTube videos in the Web browser. These problems most often relate to Firefox 3, and generally cause the YouTube video to play for a few seconds and then randomly stop. Additionally, during uploading, the YouTube video will upload for a few seconds and then freeze. Some users find that a complete system re-boot temporarily fixes this problem. However, to permanently fix this problem, the user will need to change some of the Firefox browser settings.
    Firefox and Adobe Flash
    Firefox’s YouTube video problems commonly relate to Adobe Flash. In many cases, users inadvertently block ads that use Flash within the Firefox browser settings. This, however, results in YouTube videos not downloading or uploading properly because these videos are Flash-based. To fix this problem, disable the universal blocking of Flash-based content in your Firefox browser settings.
    Uninstall Flash
    If disabling the universal blocking of Flash-based content does not fix YouTube problems in Firefox, users can uninstall the Flash Player on the computer. After removing the Flash Player, reboot the computer and reinstall the latest version of the Flash Player. Updated versions of the Flash Player typically will not experience problems playing and uploading YouTube videos.

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