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    Sunday, July 8, 2012

    AeroWeather: Change Aero colors according to the weather

    For Download Click Here

    AeroWeather features include:
    • Temperature-based color changes
      • Minimum and Maximum values let you define your own range of colors
      • Maximum temperature (or higher) is always red
      • Minimum temperature (or lower) is always purple
      • Color is calculated based on minimum and maximum values
        • For example, given a minimum of zero, and a maximum of 100, if the temperature is 50 degrees, the calculated color would be a shade of green
      • Fahrenheit or Celsius can be selected.

    • Condition-based color changes
      • UI is grey if it’s cloudy, blue if it’s sunny, white if it’s snowing, dark grey if it’s raining, etc

    • “Night Mode”
      • Dims the Aero colors when the sun sets (retrieves sunset time from weather server). Colors appear dimmer and less vibrant
      • Brightens them when the sun rises the next day

      • AeroWeather is freeware.
        AeroWeather requires Windows Vista or Windows 7 with Windows Aero enabled. This software is designed to work with the “glass” effect in Windows Vista and Windows 7, and it will not work unless Windows Aero is enabled.
        Download AeroWeather (ClickOnce installer)
        Note: AeroWeather requires the .NET Framework 3.5 to be installed. If you do not have it, you will be prompted to install it.

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