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    Thursday, August 25, 2016

    Replacement of Adobe Flash Player For Windows PC

    Adobe Flash Player
    (1) is to find and patch security breeches in the release. Unfortunately for Adobe, they often find security holes. Only in Flash in the past two years there have been more than 200 threats. What would normally be they release a fix security will find the breech, and does not fix anything and do anything in the program and will cause a “bug” must be repaired . Then they release a bug fix to repair regeneration. It becomes an endless circle. But because of how extensive program that is a common target of attack by cyber criminals.

    (2) they are updated as well as expand the capabilities of previous “reforms” of the program and to include all of these updates. The circle starts again, found the security holes, created set of reforms, continue to repair bugs, patches which fix bugs with cyber attacks, and released

    HTML5 video is the preferred alternative by the people, but not all Web developers have moved in this direction.

    Here are some alternatives to the Flash Player. You can try to see if they will replace Flash for your needs as appropriate. But I disable Adobe Flash Player to see if you really need this. Even you can not have it. It just depends on your needs. Flash Player or Java is not used in years. But you do not need it, I do not mean just that it is not. First see if it stops working disabled, you need, and if it does, then try one of the following alternatives.
    It uses no flash. That crap installed. You need a special Uninstaller from Adobe. I long ago got rid of it, and everything works so much faster. You can still chrome, the access to the flash using only because of the content, but did not need it for a year. Flash is dead.
    You have to be updated because it is a steaming turd of a program, and the sooner it dies will live better.

    One suggestion is that it only needs to be installed to the UN and to avoid sites. Most sites are now updated to HTML5 code to achieve the same functionality as Flash, but in a more secure manner. Google has already This is disabled by default in Chrome browser.

    If you must use it, keep it up to date as bugs and security flaws are found and fixed.

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