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    Friday, June 24, 2016

    Type Of Eassy’s In Modern World Now A Days

    Type of Essay’s In Modern World
    Eassy’s In Modern World Essays my be classified as narrative descriptive expository reflective and imaginative the classification is useful so long as it is remembers that these classes are not mutually exclusive and that some essays may partake of the peculiarities of more than one class for example a narrative essay may contain a good deal of descriptive and essays of all classes should be more or less reflective for the original idea of this form of composition is an expression of the writer own felling and opinions about a given subject

     Relective Essay  , Narrative Essays  ,

    Descriptive essays , Expository Essays,  Imaginative Essays

    Special Preparation

    Now We come to the special preparation needed for writing an essay on some particular subject and the first thing we must do is to define the subject..

    Procedure’s Summary
    Clearly define your subject in your own mind

    think over it , until ideas about it come into your mind and jot the points down on paper as they occur to you-numbering them

    classify these points in groups under suitable heading, rejecting any that are unsuitable

    arrange these heading in a bare outline

    fill in the outline making a full outline and begin to write the essay dividing it into paragraph

    the essay should consist of introduction body and concussion

    make the introduction interesting

    keep the parts of the body of the essay in proper proportion and pains in choosing words, constructing sentence and building paragraphs.

    Make the concision effective

    write in a simple , concise clear direct and natural style.

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